المنتدى الأردني للثقافة الصحية متعدد الإغراض

Jordanian Association for Healthy Education

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The concept of health education

One of the most important achievements for peace among peoples, and is given the opportunity to serve the area in need of health care and social after they had been denied them during the long years ago.

Those in need of such care is every person suffering from a disease attendant for the rest of his life can not be cured, as well as Hello hereditary diseases transmitted from generation to generation, and affect the community in a clear and the spread of disease, which cost the state sums of money as well as working to destroy the society, family and individual who is the backbone of this family in all respects.

Also multiple disabilities exist in the community that needs with special care to care unspeakable.

Here, a group of concerned citizens of this benevolent society for the advancement of culture and good health of the Jordanian and Arab citizens alike in all areas.

We hope to the people of this nation health and wellness

The first conference of Jordanian Tlasimia.

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Design :Fottoh Al-banna

