The draft human rights in the (Gaza camp) - Jerash.
The population of Gaza camp, about 40 thousand people, 25% of the
population living in the camp and skin diseases due to lack of a
sewerage system in the network open network between housing, which
led to the spread of insect and rodent infestation and injuring
housing skin diseases.
The proportion of infected sensitive chest diseases and about 30% of
the population in the camp, because of pervasive contamination in
the camp on a large scale.
The camp houses more words about Brksat threatened many of them
collapsing Most of the population are poor and live in the same
household (the so-called unit) rate of eight individuals and all
terraced houses without any dividers, as well as the camp, there was
no any green space.
There is no breathing space for children and young people in the
camp are deprived of all means entertainment with the flag that all
the dirt streets of the camp with the conduct of the inhabitants of
the camp water in the streets.
About 40% of children in the camp with disabilities many different
causes must be studied and the preparation of the draft special
disabilities in Gaza camp to help this group of children.